Helen’s birthday on 8th March saw the launch of THF’s most ambitious ever fund-raising campaign: to raise £40,000 by the end of 2021 to create an Arts Recovery Fund. This fund is accessible to all state-funded schools in Teignbridge to help them re-boot their arts programmes.
We believe the arts are vital for so many young people, as they themselves recover from the effects of not attending school for long periods of time and missing out on vital elements of their lives. The arts can reach parts other subjects can’t, by improving mental and emotional well-being and fuelling creativity and social cohesion.
With nearly £20,000 including Gift Aid, already raised, we're almost half-way to our target and schools are already accessing this valuable resource.
Do join the THF40for40 campaign either by direct donation – just click here – or by joining others who have already set up their own campaign within the umbrella of the overall THF campaign, and have got supporters to sponsor them. Click here for details about how to set up your own fund-raising campaign.