Jen Quinlin lives in Melbourne, Australia and is one of THF's most valued supporters, helping run the THF website alongside Lloyd Hardwick, and advising on social media issues. No sooner had THF40for40 been announced that she immediately signed up and set herself the huge challenge of undertaking 40 arts projects between March and the end of 2021. She writes:
"Making things has always been a source of solace for me, but never more than these past two years, with 263 cumulative days of lockdown, and two years of working from home, away from the incredible arenas (including the Rod Laver Arena) which I am privileged to call my workplace, all currently silenced by the pandemic. I’m so grateful for the mental release (and challenge) these projects are providing."
"I’ve done quite a few different tasks to date but the most prolific has been my building of miniatures. I thought I’d do just one, but I’ve so far completed seven! I think I’ll have to join Miniatures Anonymous! They are a Chocolatier, Book Shop, Fruit Store, Garden Tea Room, Flower Shop, Alfresco Bar, and a Recording Studio."

"My favourite project of the 25 so far, though, has been building and painting a new bass guitar for myself. It’s a kit - I don’t have the workspace to do a complete build - but happily I’ve got a working instrument with a beautiful, smooth tone. I’ve even treated myself to a set of neon blue strings as a reward."
Jen - you are such a star! Please support Jen in her fundraising by clicking HERE to sponsor her THF40for40 challenge.