Trustees of THF have approved 10 new bursaries so far this year, totalling over £3000, to young people Teignbridge with talents and ambitions in the arts but whose families lack the financial means to help them pursue their dreams. Youngsters aged between 7-19 and with long-term residency in Teignbridge may apply. Those seeking bursaries complete applications forms that need to be endorsed by an adult professional such as a teacher, youth leader, or drama director. Trustees evaluate the eligibility of the application and, if approved, see the young person with a parent or carer to hear directly from them about their ambitions, and to verify the family’s financial eligibility.
Trustees are considering applications from local young artists and musicians whose parents have been adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic and whose family income has been hard hit. This had led to difficulties for them in paying for materials and tuition that are vital for their progress. Trustees will do all they can to help.

One of this year’s successful applicants is Kian. Kian approached THF for support for having the use of a high quality electric piano for home use and we met Kian with his mother Rachel (suitably socially distanced!) to discuss his needs and to hear about his ambitions. Kian has particularly impressed his teachers as someone who, first of all, self-taught himself just a few years ago from YouTube and is now studying for Grade 7.
After our conversation, trustees wrote to Kian and his mother as follows:
"It was really good to meet you both last week. We were impressed, Kian, by your level of commitment and the progress you have made in a short time with reaching the current level of playing. It is very heartening that you have such a strong relationship with your teacher. As you acknowledge, really to progress to the next level, being strong on music theory and able to sight read fluently are essentials. We know you are working on this."
THF has loaned Kian a high quality Yamaha piano for his use at home and we know already just how much he is valuing being able to use it.