THF Awards are presented by schools to the student showing "best endeavour in the arts" . Zac Payne won the award in 2021 but Covid restrictions prevented the formal presentation until recently.
Pictured is Zac with THF Chairman Roger Kirk.
In Zac's citation, teacher Sharon Godfrey, Team Leader of Drama at Newton Abbot College writes:
"This year the Helen Foundation Award goes to a student who has consistently demonstrated an exceptional level of artistic skill from Year 7-11, achieving ‘Best In Subject’ every year. He has embraced new knowledge, techniques, materials and concepts with enthusiasm and energy. During his GCSE Fine Art course, he has constantly challenged himself to push the boundaries of artistic practice, blending contemporary media and working on a large scale to create unique and exciting final pieces. The quality of his Fine Art portfolio is far beyond the expectations of a GCSE.

This dedication and progress is all the more impressive given the unprecedented and difficult times we have lived through in the last couple of years. Throughout the lockdowns and periods of home learning Zac continued to complete every piece of work conscientiously and continued experimenting with new techniques.

This typifies Zac's approach to all aspects of College; quietly and without fuss, he will always work to the best of his ability. He is a social student who loves to be part of a group and never tries to claim the limelight but always makes a good contribution. Zac has undoubtedly excelled at the Fine Art and Music GCSE courses, but has also immersed himself in the wider opportunities that the Creative Arts have offered. He has been in every College production, every KS3 and KS4 Band performance, every Christmas Concert and Summer Session performance in addition to being an active member of the Arts Council."