The highly popular and successful Pizza Café in Newton Abbot is one of THF's longest-serving and most generous supporters. Owner Mark Thuell set up the sponsorship link more than 17 years ago, just a year after THF was launched, and made an exceptionally generous offer that still stands today.
Helen loved pizza! In particular, she liked spicy American-style pizza - and the Pizza Café makes a delicious American Graffiti pizza which Helen adored. 25p of every American Graffiti pizza sold goes to THF. Because the café is so popular - and the American graffiti is particularly popular - the 25ps build up and up. The latest cheque was for £1844 and represents 7376 American Graffiti pizzas sold since 2017!
Recently, trustees Annie and Roger (with THF supporter Joanna Walling) were called to The Pizza Cafe to receive a cheque for the latest donation presented by Mark Thuell. We are truly grateful to Mark, Michael and all the loyal and hardworking Pizza Cafe team for their staunch support of the charity, and urge anyone in Newton Abbot or the surrounding area to visit the cafe and try out the American Graffiti. You won't be disappointed.
Pictured left to right are: Jo Walling, Director of JJ's Arts Academy, Roger Kirk, Mark Thuell and Annie Kirk