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Morgan Nicholls joins the #THF40for40 Fundraising Team!

Elusive 4th member of MUSE, Morgan Nicholls, is setting off with his partner Shazza on an epic 240km cycle around the Cornish coast to help raise funds for the THF40for40 campaign! Morgan writes: "Shazza and I (Team Silver Machine) are attempting to cycle 240 km around the Cornish coast to raise money for The Helen Foundation 40 for 40 campaign. The Helen foundation is a living memorial to the life of Helen Kirk, who would have been 40 this year. It is a charitable trust which motivates, inspires and supports young people in all branches of the arts. It sponsors arts workshops, arts based projects, school prizes and bursaries to young people. Having worked with Helen's brother Tom Kirk, whilst playing keyboards on tour with MUSE for the last 15 years, the family's foundation has become close to my heart.

Shazza also works with children with social, emotional and behavioural needs, so appreciates the need for arts in schools. MUSE have kindly sponsored Tom towards raising funds for the campaign, which with your help we would love to add to. We will be posting updates on social media throughout the cycle. Many thanks! Morgan and Shazza xxx"

Please support Morgan and Shazza on their fantastic adventure by donating here!


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