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Congratulations to Maicie Webb for winning this year’s Helen Foundation Award in her school. Maicie has such an artistic talent, not only with art but in music too – which is clearly her passion. Here is what her teachers said about her.

Miss Hirst remembers: “Maicie joined the school in Year 2, and we could see straight away that she loved Art activities and being creative. Several times recently, I have happened to walk through the area where Maicie has her piano lessons, and I have been amazed at her talent. The first time, I thought it was her teacher playing! I have loved hearing her play beautiful music so well - a moment of calm in a busy day!”

Miss Mann says: “I remember Maicie taking great care over her artwork in Avocets and producing some lovely pieces. I also remember Maicie singing 'Dance Monkey' all the time too! Well done Maicie, you deserve this award 🙂”

From Miss Jackson: “Maicie cheered me up during lockdown, posting videos of her lovely piano-playing. When the class are tackling an art project, or getting creative in another subject, I always look forward to seeing Maisie's work as I know it would be unique and of a high standard - for example she chose to represent the lifecycle of a frog in a creative way and made a stunning Mayan sculpture from soap, really capturing the Mayan style.”

Maicie’s piano teacher Chloe, wanted to add: "It is a real pleasure to teach at Starcross Primary, where children are encouraged to explore their musicality. In the two and a half years I have taught Maicie, I have been both impressed and inspired by her passion for music and dedication to learning. She tackles challenging music with courage and determination, and the joy and excitement she brings to each new piece comes through in her playing. Her skills are developing all the time, as a result of the consistent, focused practise she puts in week on week. Well done, Maicie - and keep up the good work!"

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