Millie Beer - Cockwood School
Cockwood School wrote in its citation for Millie's THF Award: "Millie was selected to win the HelenFoundation Award for a superb contribution to the arts. She was incredible in the Year 6 and Staff performance of Charlie and theChocolate Factory, was outstanding as Lady Macbeth in the class assembly, and has sung beautifully at numerous events this year. She is a very talented young lady who will go far.
Her drawing and painting skills are fantastic too, and I am sure that she will have a life in the arts one day.

Jack - Kenton School
Angie Lunn of Kenton School writes: "Jack is our 2019 recipient of theHelen Foundation Award for his dedication to the Arts. He has a raw talent for acting, dance and singing which he combines with hard work, energy and sheer joy! Jack`s commitment to the Arts has been evident from his early days in Kenton. He has performed many solos in whole school productions, been an inspiration to other children in our dance crew at school, and leads our weekly singing.
Jack has the ability to really move an audience with his performance skills. He has appeared in many shows outside of school and we are very proud of all that he has achieved so far. We look forward to seeing where his performance talent takes him in the future."

James Rodwell - Shaldon School
We apologise to James that when we wrote an article about him in September's THF newsletter, we inserted a picture of his brother Jack (who won the THF Award at Shaldon last year) instead of one of James!
So here is James, with his school citation.
"We would like this year's THF Award award to go to James Rodwell who (like his brother Jack last year) demonstrates a passion for, and strong talent across the arts.
Perhaps this is most evident musically: James is a very accomplished drummer, the result of hours of practice every day after school, and we are sure he will continue to develop this talent and put it to good use in bands when he moves up to TCS next year.
However, James is also very talented across the wider arts, showing a natural creativity in drawing, painting, and collage to name a few."