Charlotte Williams is a student at Bath University studying business. She approached us last year with a project for a special fundraising event in memory Ella Philp who, like Charlotte, had been a student at Dawlish College. We reported last year that Ella tragically died in April while the student at Cardiff University, and her parents approached The Helen Foundation to ask if they wished to become the beneficiary of the collection at her funeral.
Further conversations led to the idea of creating a special event in celebration of Ella's life involving the two schools that Ella attended in South Devon, Kenton Primary and Dawlish College, as well as the other schools linked together with Kenton and Dawlish in the Ivy Education Trust. Planning is already well developed. Charlotte wished to help contribute to this special fund and with three other university friends, conceived the idea of running a special comedy night to take place at The Forum in Bath. Each of the young women nominated their own charity to support, and Charlotte chose THF. Annie and Roger Kirk went along to support Charlotte in her work. Roger writes:
"It was a lovely evening! The room they hired was full, and the four comedians in this special venue they had hired gave strong performances, warmly received by the audience. Congratulations to Charlotte and her fellow Bath University students for a bold and successful charity fundraising evening."