With financial support from THF, Bradley Barton School is putting on a production of Oliver! at the end of the summer term with their two Year 6 classes, totalling 50 children. The school used a further THF subsidy recently to engage singing teacher Laura Forster to lead a singing workshop/masterclass with each class to kick-start their rehearsal process and to help to enthuse, excite and up-skill the pupils. THF co-operates closely with Daisi, who liaises closely - as on this occasion with Bradley Barton - with the artist and the school to devise the most effective workshop.

Two THF trustees attended the workshop and were delighted to see the levels of enthusiasm and engagement by the children. Laura led the youngsters through a series of challenging exercises that included a fun call and response chant from Balinese fisherman - in Balinese! Interest in the forthcoming Oliver production, with casting due anytime soon, was very high and the children gave a rousing rendition of Food, Glorious Food! as part of the workshop - a foretaste of things to come.
Lovely workshop!
Laura writes:
"When I arrived, the students were so keen to tell me about their production of Oliver! and gave me a preview of one of the songs they've just started learning. I worked with both of the classes and we spent the day singing together, thinking about how we can feel more confident about our voices, learning about looking after our voices, enjoying lots of musical games and learning songs from around the world. My aim for the day was to encourage and inspire the children to use their voices freely and develop a positive relationship with singing which I hope will stay with them through life. A huge thank you to the Helen Foundation for making this day possible. The photos below show images that the children drew at the beginning of the day. On one side is how they currently feel about their voices and on the other is an image of how they would like to feel about their voices in the future."
