Last term, our Lady and Saint Patrick primary school in Teignmouth, enjoyed a well-received workshop led by artist Monica Shanta. At that time, we didn't have the photos, nor the feedback from the children and we are delighted to be able to share these now with everybody. The workshop involved Monica taking the children through different approaches to drawing in a series of exercises that explored how we use our bodies to draw and how mark-making expresses and communicates emotion.
Writing about it afterwards, the children said: (names changed to protect their privacy)

"We learned how to draw how we feel while we talked to our partner about it. I also like that at the end we can splat paint on a sheet of paper ." Phoenix
"In the workshop I enjoyed doing new styles of art using a big canvas and using lots of paint. " - Sean
"I really liked this workshop because we had the chance to experiment with different art styles and techniques." - Eric

" I also enjoyed making art with music because I love the music." - Jessica
"I really enjoyed the painting with a group. It really shows how important it is to talk to each other when you do something. I've learned that you can use your whole body to do art and not every piece of art needs colours. I liked getting messy and being free while drawing." - Harry