Helped by THF funding, Bradley Barton Primary School engaged professional artist Monica Shanta to work with pupils across the school, to create a permanent mosaic piece inspired by the flora and fauna of the Bradley Barton Forest School and around the site, and to celebrate the inspiring work of Headteacher Julie Barton who retired at Easter 2023 after 15 years service. 'Your light brightens our world’ is the title of the mosaic, is a terrific piece of work by the children under Monica's skilful guidance and a worthy legacy of Julie's time at the school. It was so generous of Julie to part-fund the mosaic workshop alongside THF.

Pupils from each year group pictured with artist Monica Shanta, Annie and Roger Kirk from the Helen Foundation, school governor Russell Satterley, school headteacher Tom Page and former head Julie Barton.
Photo: Steve Pope

Julie Barton, seen here unveiling the mosaic, writes:
"I was Headteacher at Bradley Barton for fifteen years and am appreciative of the Helen Foundation’s generosity and support for our children over the duration of my leadership."
"The school environment both indoors and out, has been greatly enhanced by the many wonderful art projects which include several mosaics, a recycled art piece and wonderful wooden art sculptures. Your support over the years has really enhanced our school’s curriculum and environment and I thank you for all you have done. I wish you and The Helen Foundation continued success for the future."

As a lead-in and skilling session to their triumphant end of year show at the end of the summer term, Year 6 was able to take part in an all-day fun drama workshop organised by Daisi and led by Med Theatre (Dartmoor-based) with funding from The Helen Foundation.
The children started off learning about the functionality of the stage - including playing a great game of Stage Up/Stage Down; Stage Right/Stage Left. They particularly loved the “freeze-frame” component: all of it new to the youngsters.
The school wrote: "They watched a demo of African storytelling (where one of the characters breaks character to narrate for a while). They loved the interactive nature of it, with them all shouting out the name of the funny character in noisy unison: “Jan-Coo! Jan-Cooo! Jan-Cooooooo!” Thanks to The Helen Foundation for its funding, and Daisi for its organisational assistance."

The children said:
Mark: "I really found it funny especially because I love acting and it was a good experience and it would be cool to do it again."
Ella: "I liked being reminded of all the enjoyable moments in Yr6 and being able to re-enact them. I would love for you to come back for another day to teach us more."
James: "It was very funny and I would do it again. It was a new experience to me and some of my friends."
Eden and Eva: "The Jan-Coo story that you guys from MED Theatre performed was amazing! I loved being reminded of all the enjoyable moments in Year 6, and being able to re-enact them. We also thought of possible future activities in our next school and acted them out.
Rôle-playing was a new experience for us and most of our friends. Learning all the stage positions and the instruction to “freeze”.
The Jan-COO thing was really funny when everyone did weird voices….”

As part of their ambitious Arts Week, children from Christow Primary School worked with Daisi-registered artist Jess Carvill for a very exciting THF-supported workshop, in which they learned about batik and created some absolutely beautiful images. The plan is to stitch all these fabric pictures into one big wall hanging which we look forward to showing pictures of in a future newsletter. It was clearly a huge success! Feedback from the children included:
Paula: "I had a great time and I was learning new things. I really enjoyed it."
Jasmine: "I am really excited to see what it turns out like. I enjoyed it a lot."
John: "I think this was my best thing of the week."
Mike:"I thought it was very exciting and a new experience. This was the highlight of my week."

Dancer Kay Crook LED and absolutely wonderful Helen Foundation-funded day of dance with Year 6 at Wolborough Primary School, Newton Abbot. Organised for the school by Daisi, with whom Kay is registered, this was a high-energy, exciting and fully engaging day. Children who at the beginning of the day were reluctant to take part, after an hour or so were enthusiastically engaged in all the dance activities. With a mixture of warm-up exercises, stretches and teamwork, a good part of the day focused on Bollywood dancing and the key moves that this highly popular dance form involves. Kay's energy, creativity and ability to engage with youngsters was truly infectious. Such an outstanding day of dance that will live long in the children's memories! The children said:
Alex: "I liked the fact that I could learn new things."
Fiona: "I loved having a whole day of dance as my passion for the arts couldn't be greater! I never expected Bollywood dancing to be so energetic, and I love the work you're doing with charities and I want to follow in your footsteps!'
Richard: "At first I really didn't want to do it but then I saw how much fun it was. I loved how much energy Kay had and how she brought a smile to all of our faces. If only her energy to dance was contagious as we were so exhausted!"
Katie: "I loved how in Chaiyya Chaiyya you kicked your leg up so high. I was shocked and wasn't expecting it!"
Malah: "Dancing with Kay was really inspiring and it really helped my stress. I love the Bollywood dancing even though before, I felt embarrassed and as if I can't do it."