While THF has ceased to offer its bursary scheme to new applicants from the beginning of 2023, existing bursary holders are continuing to be supported. One application that the charity received before the trustees' decision to cease its bursary scheme, was accepted and we are very pleased to support a young man, whom we shall call Paul, whose musical talent is not in doubt.
His family have come under significant pressures through illness and work incapacity and they were delighted to receive a bursary that will support Paul in his ambitions to become a professional percussionist.
His percussion teacher writes:
"I've been teaching Paul for five years and within the short period of time he gained Distinction at Grade 8 drum kit and we are working towards an ATCL diploma and also Grade 8 tuned percussion. He is a hard-working young man with clear views on what he wants in life. Paul has all the attributes to be a first-class percussionist and with a successful application he can get the appropriate lessons which will help further his goal."
Paul himself wrote a five page hand-written letter to trustees in support of his application and it included memorable lines such as:
"I have recently discovered I have perfect pitch which I have found helpful for some of the practise listening questions. If I know the song but don't know how to play it, I can work it out in my head. I've started tuned percussion lessons and then leapt immediately to Grade 8.
"I would say that most of my thoughts are music related, whether that's listening to noise around me, trying to identify pitches, revising the structure of a song, working out a rhythm, or composing something in my head. And obviously most of the time I have a song stuck in my head!"
An impressive young man! We wish him every success in his musical career.